Our Service Parts Identification label Quality and Details

Details! Details! Details!
Our 1967-1972 Service Parts Identification label ordering creates an accurate as possible Impact Printer Printed label
This is our premium product throughout with all the correct details. This is our flagship product and this is what our web site was built around: creating an accurate as possible authentic impact printer printed Service Parts Identification labels just like the originals and we think we have achieved that.
Click here to jump to read about Our Order Entry System
Click here to jump to read about Our Quality Made Labels
Click here to read about Service Parts Identification label ordering preparations
Ordering Information

An Order Entry Built for Thoroughness ...
There are a lot of details needed to create an accurate Service
Parts Identification label (also known as a "SPID" label) and
in general, the only thing consistent is that GM made them with
a lot of irregularities, with the 1967-1968 Service Parts
Identification labels being the worst. But we have built into
our data entry system all these properties and idiosyncrasies as
correctly as possible! Our order entry system can handle 99% of
the Service Parts Identification label cases out there. There are
some freaks, but we leave those as custom or special handling
before producing them. The only work left for you is to determine
which options you want to put on the Service Parts Identification
label and we'll take care of the rest.
Check out how our Online WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)
Service Parts Identification label ordering helps you create an
accurate and faithful reproduction label with features like these:
- Our Service Parts Identification label order entry system has over 20+ attributes or properties that are looked up each and every time and factored in when creating each new label from scratch. These checks are determined by manufacturing plant and year based on your VIN number. That equates to a lot of attributes to keep track of, a lot, but it ensures proper Service Parts Identification label creation, layout and formatting, just like the originals. So if you do not know what your Service Parts Identification label should look like, our order entry system will create it correctly for you.
- Proper selection of the correct Service Parts Identification label to use. Our order entry system will select the correct 1967-1972 Service Parts Identification label for your vehicle during order entry. The correct Service Parts Identification label to use may be conditional and cannot always be determined up front before ordering.
- Correct reproduction of VIN number style. VIN Numbers that are typed, stamped or printed by the impact printer are all tracked by manufacturing plant and year and correctly selected for your order. The correct equipment is used to print the VIN with, even the big bold black stamped VIN Number styles is correct! We impact print, type or stamp the VIN like it originally was done -- no laser printer simulation effects involved here. Just the real deal. Done the same way the factory did it!.
- Correct and proper formatting and alignment on the Service Parts Identification label. Our print routine correctly handles the positioning and formatting of the VIN Number, Wheelbase and Special Equipment in relation to the RPO Code/Descriptions contained in the body of the label. Our system knows when to print blank lines, how many and where. It knows about lines per inch usage, column widths, and in general the up/down and left/right alignment of the label, and it is style aware -- all by manufacturing plant and year!
- Our Service Parts Identification label attribute lookups even track the characteristic down into serial number ranges for your truck by manufacturing plant and year when the property fluctuates as being present or not present. For example: is the white top line with the 6 digit Identification or Sequence number present or is it cut off? Is the usage "MODEL#" or is it "MODEL=" ? Yes! we track that by serial number range, by manufacturing plant and year. For any Service Parts Identification label attribute or characteristic that cannot be definitively determined from our table lookups (there is always an unknown cut-off mark where the attribute may or may not be present) we present you with the choice to choose either case.
- We have thousands of original Service Parts Identification labels in our database each with their corresponding RPO Codes and Descriptions as used and spelled by the factory, organized by manufacturing plant and year. You can use these from our database to create correct and accurate RPO Code and Descriptions on your Service Parts Identification label, or you can modify it, or you can type in your own if we don't have it. The spelling of the option description can and do vary between plants sometimes even in the same year, or between years within the same plant. So one cannot just re-use an option from a different year or plant necessarily. You may have to if it is an uncommon option, but should be done as a last resort. Our database organizes and takes care of all those concerns for you. See the next feature below:
- Our data entry routine is RPO Code format aware. Our system knows what RPO Code format to use on your Service Parts Identification label. Is it 04J70AB, J70, 1J70AB, 4J70AB, or just 1J7020 ? We keep track of that by manufacturing plant and year, and alerts you if use the wrong style. Also, RPO Descriptions are of different lengths depending on the manufacturing plant and year, and our data entry routine, you guessed it, accounts for that length also! It even informs you when the RPO Codes should be sorted in alphabetic order or not on the Service Parts Identification label.
- Our data entry screen input fields have an RPO Code/Descriptions auto-complete feature. You can see suggestions as you type that are correct for your vehicle manufacturing plant and year so you get only applicable codes and description usage. There can be different spellings in the description for the same RPO Code (rare occasions), or depending on the RPO code format, there can be different RPO Code ECL suffixes, ie 4J70AA, 4J70AB, 4J70BA, etc to choose from yet all have the same spelling in the description. If you are creating a new Service Parts Identification label from your old label, you should always use the spellings from your old label unless the option matches up perfectly, then select the auto-complete to save the typing!
- And many more ...
Replicated for 1966 and 1973-1986 Service Parts Identification labels ...
After all that work to create accurate 1967-1972 Service Parts Identification labels, we replicated the same functionality for 1966 and 1973-1986 Service Parts Identification labels. Currently our database of 1966 and 1973-1986 Service Parts Identification labels is not as complete nor does it have the coverage of RPO Codes/Descriptions in detail by plant, by year to the same degree as our 1967-1972 database coverage does. We continously add to our databases on a monthly basis new Service Parts Identification labels building up option coverage.
Further customization's ...
After placing an order we can at no additional charge or cost make tweaks, adjustments, changes, or corrections to obtain the effect needed before we start working on the label.
What Our Order Entry System Does Not Do ...
Check for Valid Use of an RPO Option
Our order entry system does not check for valid combinations of option usage nor if that option is valid for your truck Model (1/2T, 3/4T, 1T, Suburban, Blazer, Pickup, etc.) nor if that option is even available in that year.
In fact, you can type in anything you want for an RPO Code and/or RPO Description. It doesn't have to be a real option code, but you can type something unique to you or your truck on the Service Parts Identification label like "PPG DAR2207 DK OLIVE", and it will become an "option". -
Check if the Listed Option is Part of an Option Group
If your truck is a Custom Deluxe, you would not want to add the option "U37 Cigar Lighter" to the label, as it is already bundled into the "Z62 Custom Deluxe" package that would be shown on the Service Parts Identification label. Listing both of these options on the Service Parts Identification label would be out of place and an error.
You can find more information like that and when an option is used or not allowed under what conditions in the GM Truck Dealer Data Book for your truck at the GM Heritage Center in downloadable PDF format: GM Heritage Center Truck Dealer Data Books.
Service Parts Identification Labels with the White Top Line Section Cut-off or Present
This white top line section of the label contains the GM part number and a unique 6 digit Identification or Sequence number that identified your truck internally to GM.
Generally, factory line workers would cut off this top section before applying the label to the glove box door as shown in the Factory Assembly manual, especially for pre-1970 applications. You can see the score slit in the pre-1973 originals where this occurs. We also replicate this same score slit in our reproductions when the white top line is present on pre-1973 labels.
From 1970 onwards, there was a slow transition where the factory would start to leave the white top line section on when applied (we track this as best we can in our order entry also).
When we make a new Service Parts Identification label, if it is determined during order entry time that the Service Parts Identification label should not have this white top line present, you will not have to be concerned about the six digit identification number located on it and we remove the top line just like the original. We strive to create accurate and detailed Service Parts Identification label throughout the whole process as it originally was performed at the factory.
If our order entry determines that the top line should be removed but it really should not be, or you want to have the top line and the 6 digit identification number on it, just let us know in the order notes and we'll make it up that way. -
Clear Protective Overlaminate
The clear plastic protective overlaminate over the Service Parts Identification label did not come into steady usage until 1971. 1970 was a transition year where the factory started to apply it, albeit slowly and sporadically at that, to the labels (we track it as best we can in our order entry). Irrespectively of whether the overlaminate was/was not applied at the factory, on all 1970+ labels, we preapply the overlaminate over and onto label for a "peel-n-apply" all-in-one application.
Pre-1970 labels did not have any protective overlaminate applied to them and it will not look correct at all if it is applied to them, thus we do not supply any overlaminate for those years. We can be flexible and accommodate your request for non-standard details such as these. For any special change requests, place them in the order notes section at order completion time.

Quality Made Labels ...
Our tractor-fed continuous forms of Service Parts Identification
labels are commercially produced to control the quality and look.
Factory original quality can vary anywhere from crisp and sharp
to excessive ink bleed rendering a puffy marshmallow look to the
lettering with various shades of "blue". Given that, there is no
one standard that says this is what the Service Parts
Identification label sticker should look like for clarity and color.
They were after all just a massed produced label to record the
vehicle options so quality was not that important.
We designed our labels with all that in mind. Our labels are made
entirely from scratch - they are not touched up copies of scanned
images and re-printed. Since our labels are designed from scratch,
they will be a bit more crisp looking. We created our labels as
an overlay over the original so they maintain the same size, shape,
spacing, dimensions, layout and typefaces as the original.
After the printing process, the labels are finished off with the
correct rounded label corners along with the top horizontal
scoring slit for the removal of the top white line on pre-1973 labels.
Comes Pre-Assembled Ready to Apply All-in-One
To finish off the label, we use a quality commercial grade
polyester plastic overlaminate that is a 2 mil. thick,
optically clear; solvent, humidity, abrasive and UV resistant,
with permanent adhesive that has high bonding strength. Our
overlaminate is cut to the correct size with correct rounded corners.
For best looking results and ease of applying the finished label
to your glove box door, we preapply the overlaminate squarely
over the Service Parts Identification label assembled onto a
removable liner for ease of application. This makes applying by
you simply as a "peel-n-apply" all-in-one application - overlaminate
and label together as one unit, no wrinkles, no air bubbles,
no mistakes!
We do not claim to have all real life options as used by the factory on the
Service Parts Identification label from all years and plants organized in
our database. That would be impossible nor do we claim, infer or imply that
we do. For any we would not have, you will have to provide the actual code
and description to use.